Photographs from 2014 | Photography by Robert Whetton

 I'm not the best at keeping up with blogging, being dyslexic means words on paper / screen don't come easily. That's why I'm an artist and not a writer, right?

Anyway, here's a photo dump from some of the cool stuff that happened this year!

Skinny skulls front man Stu contacted me about making a parody of a photo he had seen. So we set a date and here's the result!

I was asked if I would be available to help cover a cycling event. I'm always up for trying something new photography wise so said yes. I was sent a document giving the settings I should use (not what I would have used but I used them). I was to cover 2 different locations throughout the day, starting on a hill climb and finishing on a flat.
The day didn't start of the best, but a little rain didn't stop anyone!

Crazy times, local Bournemouth based musician Si Genaro appeared on The Voice. He didn't make it though but the song he sang after his audition Chicken Train was so well received that he decided to make it into a single. I've been around the Bournemouth music scene for many years and when I heard they were making a music video down on the beach, decided that I would attend and take some behind the scenes stills.

Si was joined by many of the amazing musicians from Bournemouth including Matt Black the Piano Man!

Was safe to say much fun was had by all who joined Si on the making of the music video THATS THE BADGER!

Many people getting married don't have the budget for all day coverage, but that's ok, you don't have to go the whole hog and hire a photography team and videographer for the whole day. It might not be as cost effective to just hire us for part of the day, but if we're available on your day and you only want group shots and some wedding portraits, we can accommodate you for those!
Becky and Kev were one such couple, Becky didn't want all the fuss in the morning and wasn't really bothered about the ceremony coverage. So went for group photos and some fun Bride and Groom Portraits.
After a civil ceremony at Poole Guild Hall, we met at their reception at Drusillas Inn in Holt. The list of groups done we popped over the road into the field for some B&G portraits.

After some fun around Drusillas we got in the car and went to a local scenic ruins to get a couple more photos.

I've covered a couple of fight nights for a Boxing club in Swanage. One of the organisers friends hit me up to see if I was interested in covering an event he was putting on for the Swanage Carnival Week. He was getting a bunch of Electro House DJs for an evenings entertainement for the town. Always up for something different to photograph, I agreed and what a night it was! It was so well recieved that they were asked to come back for a 2nd year! They changed the local a little further up the road than last year.
Here's a selection of the many shots from the night.
Stilt walkers are a great addition to the dancing, it's great to see them having fun and interacting with the other festive goers

Banging tunes and lots of fun! lets hope it's renewed for next year!

Poole Council put on a CirkVOST ‘BoO’ Trapeze Show, a temporary bamboo trapeze structure that the artistes put up themselves, and was part of Dorset’s ‘Inside Out‘ event. A night time show, so really put my Canon 7D's low light performance to the test.

Such an impressive performance, the amount of hours these guys must put in to be able to pull of such aflawless show is staggering!

Back to Blackpool for my 3rd year! My client base is ever increasing for dance, so I must be doing something right? I've had to purchase higher capacity CF cards to keep up with the amount of dancers covered.

A huge thanks for all the dancers who have bought photographs from this years Blackpool Finals, here's to next year!


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